Renders JINJA2 files, and whole directories of files. Allows to render by pattern.

All includes and extends are by default looking in current working directory path.


Package to import Single task to import PIP package to install Stable version
rkd.core.standardlib.jinja rkd.core.standardlib.jinja.FileRendererTask pip install rkd== SELECT VERSION https://badgen.net/pypi/v/rkd

Renders a single file from JINJA2.

Example of usage:

rkd :j2:render -s SOURCE-FILE.yaml.j2 -o OUTPUT-FILE.yaml


Package to import Single task to import PIP package to install Stable version
rkd.core.standardlib.jinja rkd.core.standardlib.jinja.FileRendererTask pip install rkd== SELECT VERSION https://badgen.net/pypi/v/rkd

Renders all files recursively in given directory to other directory. Can remove source files after rendering them to the output files.

Note: Pattern is a regexp pattern that matches whole path, not only file name

Note: Exclude pattern is matching on SOURCE files, not on target files

Example usage:

rkd :j2:directory-to-directory \
    --source="/some/path/templates" \
    --target="/some/path/rendered" \
    --delete-source-files \