Custom distribution

RiotKit Do can be used as a transparent framework for writing tasks for various usage, especially for specialized usage. To simplify usage for end-user RKD allows to create a custom distribution.

Custom distribution allows to:

  • Define custom ‘binary’ name eg. “harbor” instead of “rkd”
  • Hide unnecessary tasks in custom ‘binary’ (filter by groups - whitelist)
  • Make shortcuts to tasks: Skip writing group name, make a group name to be appended by default


import os
from rkd import main as rkd_main

def env_or_default(env_name: str, default: str):
    return os.environ[env_name] if env_name in os.environ else default

def main():
    os.environ['RKD_WHITELIST_GROUPS'] = env_or_default('RKD_WHITELIST_GROUPS', ':env,:harbor,')
    os.environ['RKD_ALIAS_GROUPS'] = env_or_default('RKD_ALIAS_GROUPS', '->:harbor')
    os.environ['RKD_UI'] = env_or_default('RKD_UI', 'false')

if __name__ == '__main__':
$ harbor :tasks
:sh                                               # Executes shell scripts
:exec                                             # Spawns a shell process
:init                                             # :init task is executing ALWAYS. That's a technical, core task.
:tasks                                            # Lists all enabled tasks
:version                                          # Shows version of RKD and of all loaded tasks

:compose:ps                                       # List all containers
:start                                            # Create and start containers
:stop                                             # Stop running containers
:remove                                           # Forcibly stop running containers and remove (keeps volumes)
:service:list                                     # Lists all defined containers in YAML files (can be limited by --profile selector)
:service:up                                       # Starts a single service
:service:down                                     # Brings down the service without deleting the container
:service:rm                                       # Stops and removes a container and it's images
:pull                                             # Pull images specified in containers definitions
:restart                                          # Restart running containers
:config:list                                      # Gets environment variable value
:config:enable                                    # Enable a configuration file - YAML
:config:disable                                   # Disable a configuration file - YAML
:prod:gateway:reload                              # Reload gateway, regenerate missing SSL certificates
:prod:gateway:ssl:status                          # Show status of SSL certificates
:prod:gateway:ssl:regenerate                      # Regenerate all certificates with force
:prod:maintenance:on                              # Turn on the maintenance mode
:prod:maintenance:off                             # Turn on the maintenance mode
:git:apps:update                                  # Fetch a git repository from the remote
:git:apps:update-all                              # List GIT repositories
:git:apps:set-permissions                         # Make sure that the application would be able to write to allowed directories (eg. upload directories)
:git:apps:list                                    # List GIT repositories

:env:get                                          # Gets environment variable value
:env:set                                          # Sets environment variable in the .env file

Use --help to see task environment variables and switches, eg. rkd :sh --help, rkd --help

Notices for above example:

  • No need to type eg. :harbor:config:list - just :config:list (RKD_ALIAS_GROUPS used)
  • No “rkd” group is displayed (RKD_WHITELIST_GROUPS used)
  • There is no information about task name (RKD_UI used)

Customizing RKD resource files

Files like banner, internal Makefiles can be overridden in user’s home directory, or in operating system-wide directory.

Here is the priority list, first matching result stops the search: