Source code for rkd.core.api.parsing

import importlib
from types import FunctionType
from typing import List, Type

from rkd.core.api.contract import TaskInterface

from ..exception import ParsingException
from .syntax import TaskDeclaration

[docs]class SyntaxParsing(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_import_as_type(import_str: str) -> Type[TaskInterface]: """ Import a Python class as a type Example: rkd.core.standardlib.jinja.FileRendererTask :param import_str: :return: """ parts = import_str.split('.') class_name = parts[-1] import_path = '.'.join(parts[:-1]) # importing just a full module name eg. "rkd_python" if len(parts) == 1: import_path = import_str class_name = 'imports' # Test if it's not a class name # In this case we treat is as a module and import an importing method imports() elif class_name.lower() == class_name: import_path += '.' + class_name class_name = 'imports' try: module = importlib.import_module(import_path) except ImportError as e: raise ParsingException.from_import_error(import_str, class_name, e) if class_name not in dir(module): raise ParsingException.from_class_not_found_in_module_error(import_str, class_name, import_path) return module.__getattribute__(class_name)
[docs] @classmethod def parse_imports_by_list_of_classes(cls, classes_or_modules: List[str]) -> List[TaskDeclaration]: """ Parses a List[str] of imports, like in YAML syntax. Produces a List[TaskDeclaration] with imported list of tasks. Could be used to import & validate RKD tasks. Examples: - rkd.core.standardlib - rkd.core.standardlib.jinja.FileRendererTask :raises ParsingException :return: """ parsed: List[TaskDeclaration] = [] for import_str in classes_or_modules: imported_type = cls.parse_import_as_type(import_str) if isinstance(imported_type, FunctionType): parsed += imported_type() else: parsed.append(TaskDeclaration(imported_type())) return parsed