Source code for rkd.core.standardlib.jinja

import os
import re
from copy import copy
from typing import Pattern, Union
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
from jinja2 import Environment
from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader
from jinja2 import StrictUndefined
from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError

from ..api.contract import TaskInterface, ExtendableTaskInterface, MultiStepLanguageExtensionInterface
from ..api.contract import ExecutionContext
from ..api.syntax import TaskDeclaration

[docs]class FileRendererTask(ExtendableTaskInterface): """ Renders a .j2 file using environment as input variables **API** To be used inside "execute": - render(): Allows to render a JINJA template (from a string) - render_to_file(): Renders a template to a file **Example of API usage in YAML (if want to inherit the task):** .. code:: yaml execute: | with open('some-file.j2', 'r') as f: task.render_to_file(, ctx, 'output.html') **Usage** .. code:: bash ./rkdw :j2:render --source=src.j2 --output=dst.html """ def get_name(self) -> str: return ':render' def get_group_name(self) -> str: return ':j2' def _validate_source(self, source: str) -> bool: """ Validate if source exists, is readable etc. :param source: :return: """ if not os.path.isfile(source):'Source file does not exist at path "%s"' % source) return False return True def _read_content(self, source: str, context: ExecutionContext) -> str: with open(source, 'r') as f: return def _prepare_target_dir_for_path(self, output: str): if output != '-' and "/" in output and not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(output)):'mkdir -p {os.path.dirname(output)}') def execute(self, context: ExecutionContext) -> bool: source = context.get_arg('--source') output = context.get_arg('--output') if not self._validate_source(source): return False self._prepare_target_dir_for_path(output) raw_content = self._read_content(source, context) rendered = self.render(raw_content, context) if rendered is False: return False if output == "-": else: with open(output, 'wb') as t: t.write(rendered.encode('utf-8')) return True def render_to_file(self, raw_content: str, context: ExecutionContext, dst: str) -> bool: """ Renders a template into a file :param raw_content: :param context: :param dst: :return: """ self._prepare_target_dir_for_path(dst) with open(dst, 'w') as f: rendered = self.render(raw_content, context) if rendered is False: return False f.write(rendered) return True def render(self, raw_content: str, context: ExecutionContext) -> Union[str, bool]: """ Renders a template On error a False is returned :return: """ tpl = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(['./', './.rkd/templates']), undefined=StrictUndefined) \ .from_string(raw_content) try: return tpl.render(**context.env) except UndefinedError as e:'Undefined variable - ' + str(e)) return False def configure_argparse(self, parser: ArgumentParser): parser.description = 'Renders a JINJA2 file. Environment variables are accessible in templates.' parser.add_argument('--source', '-s', help='Template file', required=True) parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', help='Output to file, set "-" for stdout', default='-')
[docs]class Jinja2Language(FileRendererTask, MultiStepLanguageExtensionInterface): """ Jinja2 language extension for MultiStepLanguageAgnosticTask **Usage using MultiStepLanguageAgnosticTask** .. code:: yaml version: org.riotkit.rkd/yaml/v2 imports: - rkd.core.standardlib.jinja.Jinja2Language tasks: :render: steps: | #!rkd.core.standardlib.jinja.Jinja2Language Test - RKD_PATH environment variable is {{ RKD_PATH }}. System PATH is {{ PATH }}, using shell {{ SHELL }} **Usage standalone** .. code:: yaml version: org.riotkit.rkd/yaml/v2 imports: - rkd.core.standardlib.jinja.Jinja2Language tasks: :render: extends: rkd.core.standardlib.jinja.Jinja2Language input: | Test - RKD_PATH environment variable is {{ RKD_PATH }}. System PATH is {{ PATH }}, using shell {{ SHELL }} .. code:: bash ./rkdw :render ./rkdw :render --output=/tmp/rendered """ name: str code: str def __init__(self): = ':j2:lang' self.code = '' def get_name(self): return def _validate_source(self, source: str) -> bool: return True def configure_argparse(self, parser: ArgumentParser): parser.description = 'Renders a JINJA2 file. Environment variables are accessible in templates.' parser.add_argument('--source', '-s', help='Template file', required=False, default='') parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', help='Output to file, set "-" for stdout', default='-') def _read_content(self, source: str, context: ExecutionContext) -> str: """ Read from stdin instead of from file :param source: :param context: :return: """ if self.code: return self.code return context.get_input().read() def with_predefined_details(self, code: str, name: str, step_num: int) -> 'Jinja2Language': clone = copy(self) = name clone.code = code return clone
class RenderDirectoryTask(TaskInterface): """Renders *.j2 files recursively in a directory to other directory""" def get_name(self) -> str: return ':directory-to-directory' def get_group_name(self) -> str: return ':j2' def execute(self, context: ExecutionContext) -> bool: source_root = context.get_arg('--source') target_root = context.get_arg('--target') delete_source_files = context.get_arg('--delete-source-files') pattern = re.compile(context.get_arg('--pattern')) exclude_pattern = re.compile(context.get_arg('--exclude-pattern')) if context.get_arg('--exclude-pattern') else None copy_not_matched = context.get_arg('--copy-not-matching-files') template_filenames = context.get_arg('--template-filenames')'Pattern is `%s`' % context.get_arg('--pattern')) for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(source_root): for file in files: source_full_path = root + '/' + file target_full_path = target_root + '/' + source_full_path[len(source_root):] if target_full_path.endswith('.j2'): target_full_path = target_full_path[:-3] if template_filenames: target_full_path = self.replace_vars_in_filename(context.env, target_full_path) if exclude_pattern and self._is_file_matching_filter(exclude_pattern, source_full_path):'Skipping file "%s" - (filtered out by --exclude-pattern)' % source_full_path) continue if not self._is_file_matching_filter(pattern, source_full_path): if copy_not_matched:'Copying "%s" regular file' % source_full_path) self._copy_file(source_full_path, target_full_path) continue'Skipping file "%s" (filtered out by --pattern)' % source_full_path) continue'Rendering file "%s" into "%s"' % (source_full_path, target_full_path)) if not self._render(source_full_path, target_full_path): # stderr will be passed through return False if delete_source_files: self._delete_file(source_full_path) return True @staticmethod def replace_vars_in_filename(env_vars: dict, filename: str) -> str: for name, value in env_vars.items(): filename = filename.replace('--%s--' % name, value) return filename def _copy_file(self, source_full_path: str, target_full_path: str):'mkdir -p "%s"' % os.path.dirname(target_full_path))'cp -p "%s" "%s"' % (source_full_path, target_full_path)) def _render(self, source_path: str, target_path: str) -> bool: try: self.rkd([':j2:render', '--source="%s"' % source_path, '--output="%s"' % target_path], verbose=True) return True except CalledProcessError: return False @staticmethod def _delete_file(full_path: str): os.unlink(full_path) @staticmethod def _is_file_matching_filter(pattern: Pattern, full_path: str): return pattern.match(full_path) is not None def configure_argparse(self, parser: ArgumentParser): parser.add_argument('--source', '-s', help='Source path where templates are stored', required=True) parser.add_argument('--target', '-t', help='Target path where templates should be rendered', required=True) parser.add_argument('--delete-source-files', '-d', help='Delete source files after rendering?', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--pattern', '-p', help='Optional regexp pattern to match full paths', default='(.*).j2') parser.add_argument('--exclude-pattern', '-xp', help='Optional regexp for a pattern exclude, to exclude files') parser.add_argument('--copy-not-matching-files', '-c', help='Copy all files that are not matching the pattern' + ' instead of skipping them', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--template-filenames', '-tf', help='Replace variables in filename eg. --VAR--, ' + 'where VAR is a name of environment variable', action='store_true') def imports(): return [ TaskDeclaration(FileRendererTask()), TaskDeclaration(RenderDirectoryTask()) ]