Source code for rkd.core.standardlib.syntax

from textwrap import dedent
from traceback import format_exc
from typing import Dict, Type
from typing import List
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from typing import Callable
from typing import Optional
from copy import deepcopy, copy

from rkd.core.api.parsing import SyntaxParsing
from ..api.contract import TaskInterface, ExtendableTaskInterface, MultiStepLanguageExtensionInterface
from ..api.contract import ExecutionContext
from ..api.contract import ArgparseArgument
from ..api.syntax import TaskDeclaration
from ..execution.lifecycle import CompilationLifecycleEvent
from .shell import ShellCommandTask
from ..taskutil import evaluate_code

[docs]class CallableTask(TaskInterface): """ Executes a custom callback - allows to quickly define a short, primitive task """ _callable: Callable[[ExecutionContext, TaskInterface], bool] _args_callable: Callable[[ArgumentParser], None] _argparse_options: Optional[List[ArgparseArgument]] _name: str _group: str _description: str _envs: dict _become: str def __init__(self, name: str, callback: Callable[[ExecutionContext, TaskInterface], bool], args_callback: Callable[[ArgumentParser], None] = None, description: str = '', group: str = '', become: str = '', argparse_options: List[ArgparseArgument] = None): self._name = name self._callable = callback self._args_callable = args_callback self._description = description self._group = group self._envs = {} self._become = become self._argparse_options = argparse_options
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return self._name
[docs] def get_become_as(self) -> str: return self._become
def get_description(self) -> str: return self._description
[docs] def get_group_name(self) -> str: return self._group
[docs] def configure_argparse(self, parser: ArgumentParser): if self._argparse_options: for opts in self._argparse_options: parser.add_argument(*opts.args, **opts.kwargs) if self._args_callable: self._args_callable(parser)
[docs] def execute(self, context: ExecutionContext) -> bool: return self._callable(context, self)
def push_env_variables(self, envs: dict): self._envs = deepcopy(envs)
[docs] def get_declared_envs(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return self._envs
class PythonSyntaxTask(ExtendableTaskInterface, MultiStepLanguageExtensionInterface): code: str name: Optional[str] step_num: int def __init__(self): self.code = '' = None self.step_num = 0 self._envs = {} def get_name(self) -> str: return def get_group_name(self) -> str: return '' def execute(self, context: ExecutionContext) -> bool: full_task_name = self.get_name() + '@step ' + str(self.step_num) try: # compile code to_return = evaluate_code( code=self.code,, full_task_name=full_task_name, returns_boolean=True, ctx=context, self=self ) except Exception as e:'Error while executing step %i in task "%s". Exception: %s' % ( self.step_num, full_task_name, str(e) )) to_return = False return to_return def configure_argparse(self, parser: ArgumentParser): pass def with_predefined_details(self, code: str, name: str, step_num: int) -> 'PythonSyntaxTask': clone = copy(self) clone.code = dedent(code) = name clone.step_num = step_num return clone
[docs]class MultiStepLanguageAgnosticTask(ExtendableTaskInterface): """ Allows to define multiple shell/other language steps In YAML syntax it is a default task type (notice: there is no need to specify extends attribute) **Bash example** .. code:: yaml version: org.riotkit.rkd/yaml/v2 tasks: :example: steps: | echo "Hello from the Bash" **Python example** .. code:: yaml version: org.riotkit.rkd/yaml/v2 tasks: :example: steps: | #!python print('Hello') **Multiple languages and steps example** .. code:: yaml version: org.riotkit.rkd/yaml/v2 tasks: :example: steps: - | #!python print('Hello from Python') - ps aux - echo "Hello from Bash" **Non-standard languages support** .. code:: yaml version: org.riotkit.rkd/yaml/v2 imports: - rkd.php.script.PhpLanguage environment: PHP: '8.0' IMAGE: 'php' tasks: :example: steps: - | #!rkd.php.script.PhpLanguage phpinfo(); - | #!rkd.core.standardlib.jinja.Jinja2Language The used shell is {{ SHELL }} """ PREDEFINED_STEP_TYPES = { 'bash': ShellCommandTask, 'python': PythonSyntaxTask } def get_name(self) -> str: return ':multistep' def get_group_name(self) -> str: return '' def execute(self, context: ExecutionContext) -> bool: pass def compile(self, event: CompilationLifecycleEvent) -> None: """ Expand self to a group of tasks - each step will be a separate task :param event: :return: """ steps = self.get_steps() tasks = [] step_num = 0'MultiStepLanguageAgnosticTask: {self.get_name()} - expanding {len(steps)} steps into tasks') if not steps: # todo: Better exception class raise Exception(f'No tasks to expand for task {self.get_name()} ({self}), possibly missing steps') for step in steps: step_num += 1 step_type_name = self._parse_type(step) if step_type_name in self.PREDEFINED_STEP_TYPES.keys(): step_type = self.PREDEFINED_STEP_TYPES[step_type_name] else: step_type = self._try_to_import_type(step_type_name) tasks.append( TaskDeclaration( task=self._create_task(step_type, step, step_num, self.get_group_name() + self.get_name()), workdir=event.get_current_declaration().workdir, internal=event.get_current_declaration().is_internal, env=event.get_current_declaration().get_user_overridden_env() ) ) event.expand_into_group( tasks=tasks, pipeline=True, source_first=False, source_last=False, hide_children=True ) def _try_to_import_type(self, type_name: str) -> Type: as_type = SyntaxParsing.parse_import_as_type(type_name) if as_type: return as_type raise Exception(f'Language {type_name} not supported in task {self.get_name()}') def _create_task(self, step_type: Type, code: str, step_num: int, name_prefix: str) -> ExtendableTaskInterface: as_lines = code.split("\n") # cut off first line if as_lines[0][0:2] == '#!': code = "\n".join(as_lines[1:]) step: ExtendableTaskInterface = step_type().with_predefined_details( code=code, name=name_prefix + f':step_{step_num}', step_num=step_num ) step.get_declared_envs = self.get_declared_envs step.get_description = self.get_description if "get_full_description" in dir(self): step.get_full_description = self.__getattribute__('get_full_description') return step @staticmethod def _parse_type(code: str) -> str: # code that begin with a hashbang will have hashbang cut off # #!bash # #!python # #!rkd.php.script.PhpScriptTask as_lines = code.lstrip().split("\n") first_line = as_lines[0] if first_line[0:2] == '#!': return first_line[2:] return "bash" def get_steps(self) -> List[str]: return [] def configure_argparse(self, parser: ArgumentParser): """ To be extended :param parser: :return: """ pass