Source code for rkd.php.script

import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from copy import copy
from typing import Dict, Union, Optional, List

from rkd.core.api.inputoutput import ReadableStreamType
from rkd.core.api.contract import ExecutionContext, ArgumentEnv, MultiStepLanguageExtensionInterface
from rkd.core.api.syntax import TaskDeclaration
from rkd.core.execution.lifecycle import ConfigurationLifecycleEvent
from rkd.core.standardlib.docker import RunInContainerBaseTask

[docs]class PhpScriptTask(RunInContainerBaseTask): """ # <sphinx:extending-tasks> Execute a PHP code (using a docker container) Can be extended - this is a base task. Inherits settings from `RunInContainerBaseTask`. **Configuration:** - script: Path to script to load instead of stdin (could be a relative path) - version: PHP version. Leave None to use default 8.0-alpine version **Example of usage:** .. code:: yaml version: org.riotkit.rkd/yaml/v2 imports: - rkd.php.script.PhpScriptTask tasks: :yaml:test:php: extends: rkd.php.script.PhpScriptTask configure@before_parent: | self.version = '7.2-alpine' inner_execute@after_parent: | self.in_container('php --version') print('IM AFTER PARENT. At first the PHP code from "input" will be executed.') return True input: | var_dump(getcwd()); var_dump(phpversion()); **Example of usage with MultiStepLanguageAgnosticTask:** .. code:: yaml version: org.riotkit.rkd/yaml/v1 tasks: :exec: environment: PHP: '7.4' IMAGE: 'php' steps: | #!rkd.php.script.PhpLanguage phpinfo(); # </sphinx:extending-tasks> """ script: Optional[str] version: Optional[str] name: Optional[str] input: Optional[callable] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.user = 'www-data' self.entrypoint = 'sleep' self.command = '9999999' self.script = None self.version = None = None self.input = None def get_name(self) -> str: return ':php' if not else def get_group_name(self) -> str: return '' @classmethod def get_declared_envs(cls) -> Dict[str, Union[str, ArgumentEnv]]: return { 'PHP': ArgumentEnv('PHP', '--php', '8.0-alpine'), 'IMAGE': ArgumentEnv('IMAGE', '--image', 'php') }
[docs] def configure(self, event: ConfigurationLifecycleEvent) -> None: super().configure(event) self.docker_image = '{image}:{version}'.format( image=event.ctx.get_arg_or_env('--image'), version=self.version if self.version else event.ctx.get_arg_or_env('--php') ) # todo: Check - is workdir already set there? (subprojects, custom workdir etc.) self.mount(local=os.getcwd(), remote=os.getcwd())
[docs] def inner_execute(self, context: ExecutionContext) -> bool: """ Execute a code when the container is up and running :param context: :return: """ try: # takes a RKD task input as input file, stdin is interactive if not self.script and self.get_input(context): input_php_code = self.get_input(context).read() if "<?php" not in input_php_code: input_php_code = "<?php\n" + input_php_code with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp_file: tmp_file.write(input_php_code.encode('utf-8')) tmp_file.flush() self.copy_to_container(, remote='/tmp/script.php') # copy file self.in_container('chown www-data:www-data /tmp/script.php', user='root') # fix permissions self.in_container('php /tmp/script.php', workdir=os.getcwd(), user=self.user) return True # takes stdin as input self.in_container(f'php {self.script}') except subprocess.CalledProcessError:'PHP process exited with non-zero exit code') return False return True
[docs] def configure_argparse(self, parser: ArgumentParser): parser.add_argument('--php', help='PHP version ("php" docker image tag)', default='8.0-alpine') parser.add_argument('--image', help='Docker image name', default='php')
def get_input(self, ctx: ExecutionContext): if self.input: return self.input return ctx.get_input()
[docs]class PhpLanguage(PhpScriptTask, MultiStepLanguageExtensionInterface): """ Language extension for MultiStepLanguageAgnosticTask .. code:: yaml version: org.riotkit.rkd/yaml/v1 tasks: :exec: environment: PHP: '7.4' IMAGE: 'php' steps: | #!rkd.php.script.PhpLanguage phpinfo(); """ def with_predefined_details(self, code: str, name: str, step_num: int) -> 'PhpScriptTask': clone = copy(self) = name clone.input = ReadableStreamType(code) return clone
def imports() -> List[TaskDeclaration]: return [ TaskDeclaration(PhpScriptTask(), internal=True) ]