Technical/Core ============== :tasks ~~~~~~ .. jinja:: tasks :file: source/templates/package-usage.rst Lists all tasks that are loaded by all chained configurations. Environment variables: - RKD_WHITELIST_GROUPS: (Optional) Comma separated list of groups to only show on the list - RKD_ALIAS_GROUPS: (Optional) Comma separated list of groups aliases eg. ":international-workers-association->:iwa,:anarchist-federation->:fa" :version ~~~~~~~~ .. jinja:: version :file: source/templates/package-usage.rst Shows version of RKD and lists versions of all loaded tasks, even those that are provided not by RiotKit. The version strings are taken from Python modules as RKD strongly rely on Python Packaging. CallableTask ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. jinja:: callable_task :file: source/templates/package-usage.rst This is actually not a task to use directly, it is a template of a task to implement yourself. It's kind of a shortcut to create a task by defining a simple method as a callback. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/callback/.rkd/ .. autoclass:: rkd.core.standardlib.CallableTask :members: :rkd:create-structure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. HINT:: This is an extendable task. Read more in :ref:`Extending tasks` chapter. .. jinja:: rkd_create_structure :file: source/templates/package-usage.rst Creates a template structure used by RKD in current directory. **API for developers:** This task is extensible by class inheritance, you can override methods to implement your own task with changed behavior. It was designed to allow to create customized installers for tools based on RKD (custom RKD distributions), the example is RiotKit Harbor. Look for "interface methods" in class code, those methods are guaranteed to not change from minor version to minor version. .. autoclass:: rkd.core.standardlib.CreateStructureTask :members: :file:line-in-file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. jinja:: line_in_file :file: source/templates/package-usage.rst Similar to the Ansible's lineinfile, replaces/creates/deletes a line in file. **Example usage:** .. code:: bash echo "Number: 10" > test.txt rkd -rl debug :file:line-in-file test.txt --regexp="Number: ([0-9]+)?(.*)" --insert='Number: $match[0] / new: 10' cat test.txt rkd -rl debug :file:line-in-file test.txt --regexp="Number: ([0-9]+)?(.*)" --insert='Number: $match[0] / new: 6' cat test.txt rkd -rl debug :file:line-in-file test.txt --regexp="Number: ([0-9]+)?(.*)" --insert='Number: 50' cat test.txt rkd -rl debug :file:line-in-file test.txt --regexp="Number: ([0-9]+)?(.*)" --insert='Number: $match[0] / new: 90' cat test.txt