Global environment variables

Global switches designed to customize RKD per project. Put environment variables into your .env file, so you will no have to prepend them in the commandline every time.

Read also about Environment variables loading order from .env and from .rkd


Allows to show only selected groups in the “:tasks” list. All tasks from hidden groups are still callable.


RKD_WHITELIST_GROUPS=:rkd, rkd :tasks
RKD_WHITELIST_GROUPS=:rkd rkd :tasks


Alias group names, so it can be shorter, or even group names could be not typed at all.

Notice: :tasks will rename a group with a first defined alias for this group


RKD_ALIAS_GROUPS=":rkd->:r" rkd :tasks :r:create-structure
RKD_ALIAS_GROUPS=":rkd->" rkd :tasks :create-structure


Allows to toggle (true/false) the UI - messages like “Executing task X” or “Task finished”, leaving only tasks stdout, stderr and logs.


Logs output of each executed task, when set to “true”.

Example structure of logs:

# Note: This example requires "rkd-harbor" package to be installed from PyPI
RKD_AUDIT_SESSION_LOG=true harbor :service:list   # RiotKit Harbor is another project based on RKD

# ls .rkd/logs/2020-06-11/11\:06\:02.068556/
task-1-init.log  task-2-harbor_service_list.log


Defines a command that invokes RKD eg. rkd . When a custom distribution is present, then this value can different. For example project RiotKit Harbor has it’s own command harbor , which is based on RKD, so the RKD_BIN=harbor would be defined in such project.

RKD_BIN is automatically generated, when executing task in a separate process, but it can be also set globally.


Name of the Python package that wraps RKD (similar case as RKD_BIN use case)


Use for debugging. The variable is read in very early stage of RKD initialization, before context preparation.

RKD_SYS_LOG_LEVEL=debug rkd :tasks


Allows to import a task, or group of tasks (module) inline, without need to create a Makefile. Useful in daily tasks to create handy shortcuts, also very useful for testing tasks and embedding them inside other applications.

: ” character is a separator for multiple imports.

# note: Those examples requires "rkt_utils" package from PyPI
RKD_IMPORTS="rkt_utils.docker" rkd :docker:tag
RKD_IMPORTS="rkt_utils.docker:rkt_ciutils.boatci:rkd_python" rkd :tasks


Internally used to detect if RKD is called from inside of RKD