Tasks API

Each task must implement a TaskInterface

class rkd.contract.TaskInterface
configure_argparse(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser)

Allows a task to configure ArgumentParser (argparse)


Allows to execute a task-in-task, by copying dependent services from one task to other task

exec(cmd: str, capture: bool = False, background: bool = False) → Optional[str]

Starts a process in shell. Throws exception on error. To capture output set capture=True

NOTICE: Use instead of subprocess. Raw subprocess is less supported and output from raw subprocess
may be not catch properly into the logs
execute(context: rkd.contract.ExecutionContext) → bool

Executes a task. True/False should be returned as return

format_task_name(name: str) → str

Allows to add a fancy formatting to the task name, when the task is displayed eg. on the :tasks list

get_declared_envs() → Dict[str, str]

Dictionary of allowed envs to override: KEY -> DEFAULT VALUE


Returns task full name, including group name

get_group_name() → str

Group name where the task belongs eg. “:publishing”, can be empty.

get_name() → str

Task name eg. “:sh”

io() → rkd.inputoutput.IO

Gives access to Input/Output object

rkd(args: list, verbose: bool = False, capture: bool = False) → str

Spawns an RKD subprocess

NOTICE: Use instead of subprocess. Raw subprocess is less supported and output from raw subprocess
may be not catch properly into the logs
sh(cmd: str, capture: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, strict: bool = True, env: dict = None) → Optional[str]

Executes a shell script in bash. Throws exception on error. To capture output set capture=True

NOTICE: Use instead of subprocess. Raw subprocess is less supported and output from raw subprocess
may be not catch properly into the logs
silent_sh(cmd: str, verbose: bool = False, strict: bool = True, env: dict = None) → bool

sh() shortcut that catches errors and displays using IO().error_msg()

NOTICE: Use instead of subprocess. Raw subprocess is less supported and output from raw subprocess
may be not catch properly into the logs
static table(header: list, body: list, tablefmt: str = 'simple', floatfmt: str = 'g', numalign: str = 'decimal', stralign: str = 'left', missingval: str = '', showindex: str = 'default', disable_numparse: bool = False, colalign: str = None)

Renders a table

  • header
  • body
  • tablefmt
  • floatfmt
  • numalign
  • stralign
  • missingval
  • showindex
  • disable_numparse
  • colalign

Formatted table as string

Execution context provides parsed shell arguments and environment variables

class rkd.contract.ExecutionContext(declaration: rkd.contract.TaskDeclarationInterface, parent: Optional[rkd.contract.GroupDeclarationInterface] = None, args: Dict[str, str] = {}, env: Dict[str, str] = {})

Defines which objects could be accessed by Task. It’s a scope of a single task execution.

get_arg(name: str) → Optional[str]

Get argument or option

ctx.get_arg(‘–name’) # for options ctx.get_arg(‘name’) # for arguments
Raises:KeyError when argument/option was not defined
Returns:Actual value or default value
get_arg_or_env(name: str) → Optional[str]

Provides value of user input

get_arg_or_env(‘–file-path’) resolves into FILE_PATH env variable, and –file-path switch (file_path in argparse)

When user provided explicitly switch eg. –history-id, then it’s value will be taken in priority. If switch –history-id was not used, but user provided HISTORY_ID environment variable, then it will be considered.

If no switch provided and no environment variable provided, but a switch has default value - it would be returned. If no switch provided and no environment variable provided, the switch does not have default, but environment variable has a default value defined, it would be returned.

Raises:MissingInputException – When no switch and no environment variable was provided, then an exception is thrown.
get_env(name: str, error_on_not_used: bool = False)

Get environment variable value

Interaction with input and output

class rkd.inputoutput.IO

Interacting with input and output - stdout/stderr/stdin, logging

capture_descriptors(target_files: List[str] = None, stream=None, enable_standard_out: bool = True)

Capture stdout and stderr from a block of code - use with ‘with’


Logger: critical


Logger: debug


Standard error


Standard error + newline


Logger: error


Error message (optional output)


Heading #1 (optional output)


Heading #2 (optional output)


Heading #3 (optional output)


Heading #3 (optional output)


Logger: info


Informational message (optional output)

is_silent() → bool

Is output silent? In silent mode OPTIONAL MESSAGES are not shown


Optional output - fancy output skipped in –silent mode


Optional output - fancy output skipped in –silent mode + newline


Standard output


Standard output + newline


Prints a colored text inside brackets [text] (optional output)


Prints a newline


Prints a newline (optional output)


Prints a text separator (optional output)


Success message (optional output)


Logger: warn